Jackson Township Ohio
Jackson Township Ohio
Jackson Township Cemetery

Cemetery Contact is Sexton Scott Hupko
(330) 538-3093 ext. 108 or (330) 719-7255 cell
Cost Service Provided
$675.00 Grave
$725.00 Open and close (After 2pm add $325)
$875.00 Open and close Saturday (After 2pm add $325)
$925.00 Open and close 3 day holiday weekends and Sundays
(After 2pm add $325)
$375.00 Cremations/Infants
$100.00 Transfer of Deed
$1.50 Per square inch for foundations
$300.00 Columbarium
Address: 1103 N. Salem-Warren Rd., North Jackson, OH 44451
Prices are the same for residents and non-residents.
Make checks payable to: Jackson Township Trustees

Click for a complete list of Cemetery Rules & Regulations

Looking for a specific grave location? Try this web site: http://www.findagrave.com
Jackson Township has no affiliation with this site. The link is provided for your convenience only.

Cemetery Cemetery
Jackson Township Ohio